Due to growing energy costs in the Netherlands, energy poverty has risen. Key factors contributing to energy poverty are affordability, house efficiency and participation in the energy transition. To address energy poverty in Amsterdam South East, the Quick-fix Brigade within the ‘Groene Hub’, offers energy-saving measures for residents. This BA thesis investigates: ‘How does the Quick-fix Brigade frame energy justice for people that experience energy poverty in Amsterdam South East?’. The relevance of this question lies in understanding how the Quick-fix Brigades frame energy justice for people that experience energy poverty in Amsterdam South East as well as adding on to the literature on energy poverty and energy justice in the Netherlands.
BA Thesis - How the Quick-fix Brigade frames energy poverty in Amsterdam South East
Impact template
Category | Activity | Participants | Place | Time |
Education | Learning, Activities | Elderly | My street | Long term |
Input What will participants do? |
Next to developing a framework focused on energy poverty, Siena has actively worked with the Quick Fix brigade in Zuidoost, which has been the cornerstone of her data collection. |
Output What will happen? |
Siena anaylzed x problems, and how the quick fix brigade responds to these issues: 1. Problem - Lack of Trust in Amsterdam South East 2. Problem - Lack of Energy Awareness 3. Problem - Lack of Inclusivity 4. Problem - Lack of Community Engagement |
Outcome What will change? |
This thesis could offer inspiration and guidelines to those who are working with energy poverty, especially when it is situated in an urban environment as complex as Zuidoost. |
Impact What will be learned? |
- Based on:
- Economical,
- Social,
- All residents,
- Test Neighbourhood,
- Short term,
- Livability