Biodigester GroeneHub ZuidOost JC Arena

Supports the benchmark "Masterplan Amsterdam Zuid Oost":

The Groene Hub co-manages the collection of biodegradable waste. Local food scraps are collected and with the help of residents, the municipality and a waste company. The Groene Hub ensures that biodegradable food scraps (green waste) from local residents are collected in the 20 cocoons placed throughout the neighbourhood. The green waste is then either composted or turned into green gas which is stored and used by the Johan Cruyff Arena.

Through the Groene Hub Newsletter the residents are kept abreast of how much green waste is assembled in each cocoon, and as an incentive the participants can pick up a bag of compost.

Visitors to the Johan Cruyff Arena are informed on how much green gas is used at the Arena and where it is sourced from.

Collaboration agreement: what will you do?

Category Activity Participants Place Time
Public space Ecological, Social All residents My street Permanent
Input What will participants do?

The Groene Hub co-manages the collection of biodegradable waste. Local food scraps are collected and with the help of residents, the municipality and a waste company. The Groene Hub ensures that biodegradable food scraps (green waste) from local residents are collected in the 20 cocoons placed throughout the neighbourhood. The green waste is then either composted or turned into green gas which is stored and used by the Johan Cruyff Arena.

Through the Groene Hub Newsletter the residents are kept abreast of how much green waste is assembled in each cocoon, and as an incentive the participants can pick up a bag of compost.

Visitors to the Johan Cruyff Arena are informed on how much green gas is used at the Arena and where it is sourced from.

Output What will happen?

The Groene Hub, local residents and the JC Cruyff Arena will collectively incentivise the collection and conversion of biodegrable waste to green gas.

Outcome What will change?

If the Groene Hub, local residents and the JC Cruyff Arena increase the amount green gas produced:

Local residents and the Groene Hub will receive increased revenues from sale of the green gas to the JC Cruyff Arena. Whilst the Arena will reduce its energy costs and carbon emissions, in line with its stated long term objectives & the ZuidOost's Masterplan's aims to reduce carbon emissions across the ZuidOost. 

Impact What will be learned?

Groene Hub, local residents and the JC Cruyff Arena will learn how to optimise the prodcution, storage and use of green gas from biodegrable food scraps. Including learning from seasonal and cyclical patterns throughout the year. 

They may also learn how to increase community - Arena engagement from their joint interactions around the biodigester

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Who gets to decide how it’s going?

Collaboration community
Who gets to vote ZuidOost Residents, Groene Hub & JohanCruyff Arena
How often Every month

Collaboration progress

Voting rounds & updates from the participants.

How the project is going

How participants are feeling

Date Votes Update

Voting didn't start yet.

The JCArena filled a number of vacant positions at the Arena for the busy spring season. Many of the new staff had either been involved or were friends of ZuidOost residents who had designed and delivered more efficient methods for food scrap collection & delivery to the JC Arena. In turn, boosting engagement with the biodigester. 

How is it going?
  • 320
  • 20
  • 10
How do you feel?
  • 290
  • 35
  • 25

Attested data

The Groene Hub were able to publicise the success of the biodigester progamme with the JC Arena. The increased number of residents working with the Groene Hub and the Arena meant that the Groene Hub's heat curtain intiative also gained traction. 


How is it going?
  • 300
  • 40
  • 10
How do you feel?
  • 300
  • 25
  • 25

Attested data

Following the JCArena's consultation with residents of ZuidOost at the GroeneHub, trust was restored in all of the biodigester's operations. Inflows to the biodigester increased as a result of this. They were also boosted by the increased consumption of fresh food in the spring.


How is it going?
  • 250
  • 30
  • 20
How do you feel?
  • 200
  • 120
  • 30

Attested data

The Groene Hub held a consultation with residents and the JCArena. New methods were established for the collection of biodegradable scraps at allotted times. Making the process of collecting food scraps easier. JCArena demonstrated how they calculated financial return to the community with a clear, auditable process.

How is it going?
  • 170
  • 50
  • 80
How do you feel?
  • 190
  • 60
  • 50

Attested data

As the initial inspiration of the launch event subsided. The Groene Hub and residents were unable to sustain the high pace of growth they had established. The busier days of spring meant that residents had less time to focus on recycling, heavy rains destroyed a large quota of scraps awaiting transportation to the biodigester. Some residents took issue with the amount of financial return the biodigester was providing for the community.


How is it going?
  • 300
  • 45
  • 5
How do you feel?
  • 310
  • 35
  • 5

Attested data

At the launch of the initiative the Groene Hub, Residents of ZuidOost and staff of the JC Arena were inspired. A launch event saw a high number of biodegradable food scraps sent to the biodigester. The benefits were immediate and all parties enjoyed an increase in their target metrics.

Work in progress