Biodigester GroeneHub ZuidOost JC Arena

Supports the benchmark "Masterplan Amsterdam Zuid Oost":

The Groene Hub co-manages the collection of biodegradable waste. Local food scraps are collected and with the help of residents, the municipality and a waste company. The Groene Hub ensures that biodegradable food scraps (green waste) from local residents are collected in the 20 cocoons placed throughout the neighbourhood. The green waste is then either composted or turned into green gas which is stored and used by the Johan Cruyff Arena.

Through the Groene Hub Newsletter the residents are kept abreast of how much green waste is assembled in each cocoon, and as an incentive the participants can pick up a bag of compost.

Visitors to the Johan Cruyff Arena are informed on how much green gas is used at the Arena and where it is sourced from.

Assessment process

How the project went

How participants felt

1. Data overview

in 6 voting rounds

Total: How is the project going?
Total: How do you feel?

2. Self evaluation: report is written

The people met and together reflected on what happened within the collaboration in realtion to the local policy benchmark and the data.

3. Assessment: Has the collaboration been successful

4. Year report: send to accountant

5. Celebration: with all participants

6. Stories: generate new stories

Work in progress