Category | Activity | Participants | Place | Time |
Education | Learning, Activities, Ecological, Social | All residents, Young adults, Kids | Test Neighbourhood | Permanent |
Input What will participants do? |
Government, Municipality, schools, companies and knowledge institutes are welcome to learn and develop by experiencing moving through the Living Donut, do the impact tour, play the donut game, or participate in a socratic design session. In this way the real life setting of the neighbourhoud can be experienced. |
Output What will happen? |
The Living Lab provides an important bridge function between knowledge institutions, mentoring students, the municipality and building and strengthening partnerships with businesses and other local organizations.   |
Outcome What will change? |
With the living lab we make a sustainable contribution to community development and the strengthening and anchoring of local entrepreneurship. |
Impact What will be learned? |
Together we can learn and develop in the area of " organic development".The impact measurement makes the value of projects and initiatives visible and reinforces them. |